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Short Hair Healthy Tips

Short Hair Healthy Tips

Many people perform a wide range of hair treatments to get beautiful and healthy hair. Hair care is able to overcome the problems of hair damage. Unfortunately many of them are not aware of and did not realize the mistakes that often occur in hair treatment.
Instead of getting healthy and beautiful hair, it becomes more and more damaged your hair.
So, what are the tips you need to know whether the hair treatment?

Know your hair type, normal, oily, or dry.

Normal Hair

If your hair is not easily ruffled, not easy greasy, and easy to set up, then your hair can be classified into normal hair types.
Treatments you can do is washing your hair twice a week with a shampoo and conditioner for normal hair types. Dry with a towel.
short hair treatment

If you want to use a blower, blow your hair, but remember the hair blower and you do not get stuck. Leave a gap of about 30 cm. This is important not only for normal hair types, but also to other hair types.

Greasy hair

If your hair tends to be oily, sticky, and easy to limp, then your hair can be classified into oily hair types. Oily hairs commonly caused by stress, the influence of hormonal activity, thyroid gland problems, and often eat foods that are too fatty like chocolate.
Treatments that can be done were to wash your hair more often, because the oily hair type should be washed more often. When you wash, use a gentle shampoo and hair do not rub too hard. Rubbing the hair will not make your hair becomes greasy again. However, this will only worsen the condition of your hair and cause damage to the hair follicle.
When shampooing, you should not use conditioner, and it would be better if you use a special shampoo for oily hair types. Also avoid hair care products that contain silicone, petroleum or lanolin, as well as two in one shampoo (shampoo + conditioner). You can also add lemon to the final rinse to make the hair looks shiny.

Dry Hair

If you have dry hair and part the hair tends to be drier and easy to tangle or fall out, it’s categorized to dry hair types.
Treatments you can do is wash your hair about once a week with a special shampoo for dry hair types. You can use conditioner on the ends of the hair only, not to the base of the hair.
short hair treatment

If your skin feels very dry hair, use an anti-dandruff shampoo. Give a gentle massage of the head with a little oil before flushing.

Avoid the mistakes that often occur in hair treatment

Some of the mistakes that often happen are:

Do not cut the ends of your hair every 6 weeks.

Part the hair is weaker than the roots. This tends to make the hair more brittle and tangled. Cutting the ends of the hair every 6 weeks will help maintain and preserve the condition of your hair style.

Washing your hair every day.

Too often you wash your hair every day will make your hair dry and brittle. If your hair is too oily, do not wash every day (although for this hair type is to be somewhat frequent washing). Wash your hair every other day, and use a mild shampoo with a balanced PH. Do not rub your scalp while washing your hair. This will further stimulate the oil glands produce more sebum.

Too hard rubbing your hair with a towel when you want to dry it.

This action will only make your hair cuticle rough, so the hair becomes frizzy.

Still leaves the rest of shampoo and conditioner in your hair.

Shampoos and conditioners are not rinsed with clean would exacerbate damage your hair. Strands of hair will be dull, brittle and unmanageable. So, make sure to rinse your hair thoroughly after shampooing.

Drying your hair with a blower to dry completely.

Too many to provide heat to your hair will make your hair become more easily damaged and broken. If you want to dry your hair with a dry blower only to 80% only, the rest let it dry itself naturally. Leave a gap of about 30 cm between your hair blower.

Do not use a shampoo that is recommended for each hair type.

Many people are mistaken in determining hair type they belong to the type of hair which, so either buy hair care products. Use a shampoo and conditioner that is recommended for each type of hair.

Do not use shampoo once a week cleaning.

Wherever you are and whatever your activities, every day pollutants stuck in your hair, and left a layer of dirt on your scalp. Use cleansing shampoo once a week to clean up any debris that stick

Thinking that all models of the latest haircut certainly suitable for you.

If you think so then you will more often change the models hair pieces and this will weigh on your hair. Make sure you really know the haircut model that matches the shape of the face and body posture so that you do not very often give treatments to your hair.

Identify the type of hair treatment

There are several types of hair care:


Wash your hair and clean your hair with shampoo is the first step of the easiest and most needed in hair treatment. Choose a shampoo that suits your hair type, and can also add conditioner to your hair.

Cream bath

Providing nutrition creams for your hair. The trick are massaged the scalp with cream and vitamin useful for blood circulation. Followed by slight heating (steam) for vitamin more easily penetrate the pores and is absorbed through the roots of the hair.

Hair Spa

short hair treatment and tips

Taking hair care is also with a light massage but without steam. Treatment is more focused on the ingredients in the cream form of vitamin what could maximize treatment of the hair roots. The aim is to stimulate the hair roots and scalp relaxes

Hair Mask

This is one solution to hair loss. Give hair tonic on the hair after shampooing. The aim is to strengthen the hair, scalp circulation, and soften hair. You can use a hair mask instead of conditioner every week.

Hair Vitamin

The provision of hair vitamins aims to nourish dull hair, dry, damaged and unruly.

Hair Ozone

This treatment aims to protect and nourish the scalp from dandruff and hair loss disorders.

Now, after learning about hair care tips above, the desire to have beautiful and healthy hair like the stars in the television ads is no longer only a dream for you. Have your hair dream and forth with confidence

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