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Home Making Natural Hair Mask for Dry Hair Treatment

Home making natural hair mask for dry hair treatment - Dry hair is very sensitive from damage effects of the weather, heat and chemicals. Not infrequently, dry hair often experience excessive hair styling so easily tangled and unruly. One way to restore the lustrous texture of the hair is in a salon or spa treatment, which would require the expensive cost to do.
home making dry hair mask and treatment

But there is a much easier and cheaper to treat tangles and dry hair. You can buy some organic ingredients and mix them into an easy to use hair masks. As reported from Becomegorgeous site, below the steps to create natural hair care ingredients and say goodbye to bad hair day!

  1. Hazelnut Oil and Lemon Oil.

    To restore smooth and shiny texture of your hair from heat damage due to the following easy care. Combine in a bowl 2 pcs egg yolks 1 tablespoon hazelnut oil or usually almond oil and 1 drop of lemon juice. Apply concoction to the hair shaft and scalp with a massage, then cover with a warm towel. Let stand for 40 minutes potions then rinse hair with warm water lukewarm and a few drops of shampoo.
  2. Castor Oil and Olive Oil.

    To prepare a deep-conditioning treatment for your curly hair is severely damaged. Make herb with 2 teaspoons (tsp) of castor oil, 1 tablespoon olive oil and 1 egg yolk in a bowl, then stir well. Once the mixture becomes a smooth paste apply from the middle to the hair shaft. Then cover hair with a shower cap and leave overnight for a quick and amazing results. The next morning, rinse using a shampoo and warm water.
  3. natural dry hair mask
  4. Pear fruit and Apple Vinegar.

    Use a blender to smooth a medium-sized pear that has been chopped and 2 tablespoons apple vinegar, and a little water to make a paste that is easy to apply on the hair. Apply the mixture on your hair evenly and let stand for 20 minutes. The final step, rinse the hair with lukewarm water until clean.
  5. Corn Flour and Tomato Juice.

    Treat and care your curls with an efficient and nutritious. Mix 1 tablespoon (tbsp) cornstarch with 1 cup of natural tomato juice in a bowl, stir to form a paste. Apply the mixture on the hair shaft and cover with a towel. After 30 minutes, rinse hair with warm water and a little shampoo. Repeat this ritual twice a week to get results quickly.
  6. Soybeans and Warm water.

    Mix 3 tsp soy that has crushed with a glass of warm water and apply on your wet hair. Let the herb last for 10 minutes then rinse with warm water. Soybeans are rich in nutrients that can restore hair texture is thick and healthy.
  7. Avocado and Corn.
    natural dry hair mask

    Use a deep-conditioning treatment to get the stronger and healthy hair. Use a blender to mix 1 egg yolk with 2 tsp avocado and corn as needed. Spread herb throughout the hair and leave for 30 minutes. Clean the remains of this mask with shampoo and warm water

Hopefull the tips home making natural hair mask for dry hair treatment are benefit for your dry hair treatment. Good luck !

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