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How Does Coconut Oil Make Your Hair Straight

How does coconut oil make your hair straight? Healthy and straight hair becomes a trend of hairstyle today. There are so many women who spend a lot of money to change their hairstyles to be straight. Artists like Katy Perry is always changing her appearance with different hairstyles also eventually choose straighten hair. She is looking beautiful with straighten hair because it easier to arrangement.
pure coconut oil

That's the world of the artist, for those of you who want straight hair without spending much money we have tips how to straighten hair naturally using the materials of coconut oil.

In other article we have explained how to straighten your hair with natural ingredients such as using celery and milk. How to use coconut oil for hair straightening is almost the same as using coconut milk as we've written here, please read again. This method may be more practical because the material is readily available in addition we also do not need to grate the coconut for coconut milk can be taken. We can add some oils as a smells fragrant when we want or just with pure coconut oil alone was enough. In various studies coconut oil is very useful for hair and scalp health and treatment. You can read more benefit of coconut oil for head lice too. The India women have been already used coconut oil for hair care to keep her hair straight and long. Thus you can see in the various infotainment around the world are very rare Indian women who have curly hair, if any, they usually do it in the salon to change the appearance of straight hair to curly hair. However, in general they have long straight hair.
natural straight hair treatment

How to make a concoction of coconut oil for hair straightening is very easy to do at home. It must remember for using pure coconut oil or virgin coconut oil because pure or virgin coconut oil is the best result of the processing of coconuts fruits than other products and brand. Virgin coconut oil or VCO is very good for our health and this oil can drink directly. The price of VCO is also more expensive than other types. How to start for making of VCO for hair straightening are pour enough VCO in open containers and if you want to smell that fragrance you can add a few drops of jasmine oil, rosemary oil or cananga oil. Mix well and then save the oil into the refrigerator to freeze. Coconut oil would freeze at a temperature of 25 C and will form like ‘pomade’. In the morning you can use ‘the pomade’ from coconut oil to treat your hair to make it straight naturally. Rub evenly throughout the surface of the hair to the roots, after 30 minutes and then rinse with shampoo to clean.

If you were done a natural and routine maintenance as above, your hair will be smooth and straight. This treatment is recommended 2 to 3 times a week. It is not recommended to do this treatment every day as contained much oil, so when it's done too often can create new problems that your scalp has excess oil.
Straight hair care tips above make your hair to be straight, healthy, and of course tidy. Natural hair care over better than a treatment that uses chemicals that can damage your hair. Especially if the chemical is used in excess will make your hair less healthy, so doing the natural way to straighten and make your healthy.

How does coconut oil make your hair straight is not an instant or as fast as using a vise or other chemicals, so you have to be patient to do and care your hair as a routine and the one need to remember again not recommended to do this treatment every day because it will make your head have excess oil.
Hope this tips benefits for you.

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