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Olive Oil For All Hair Problems

Olive oil for all hair problems - Hair problems can make a woman dizzy such hair loss, dandruff or even fleas. Anybody who is experiencing hair problems need to spend money to pay some expensive hair treatments.
However, for those of you who want to save money, there is a powerful and inexpensive solution for hair problems is by using olive oil.
olive oil for hair problem

Olive oil is the oil with a lot of benefits for hair and skin health to the scalp. The vitamin content in olive oil is believed to treat, prevent and reduce some of the health problems of the skin and hair.
The following hair care tips with olive oil:

1. Dandruff and head lice
Olive oil benefits for hair that is first able to eliminate dandruff and head lice. Quite easy by mixing olive oil with almond oil in the ratio 2:1. Then coat the surface of the scalp with this oil mixture with a massage gently for about 15 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly. It could also apply olive oil directly on the scalp accompanied by a gentle massage.

2. Damaged and hair loss
The nutrients content such as vitamins and minerals in olive oil is beneficial for hair and scalp health. For damaged hair as often colored, straightened or curled using a special tool, overuse of hair dryers and other, can make olive oil as a hair lotion. Rub olive oil all over the surface of the scalp with a soft massage. Then wear a towel to cover the hair that had been smeared with oil for about 10 minutes.

To cope with hair loss, you can make a hair mask out of a combination of olive oil and egg yolk, olive oil and honey, olive oil and avocado, and others. Mask combination of olive oil and fish oil can also be applied to nourish hair, or it could also consume directly or by smearing the scalp with both the oil.

3. Moisturize and thicken hair
Before shampooing, coat the hair with olive oil to moisturize. Avocado and olive oil mask can be used for dry hair problem. In addition to moisturizing, nutrition olive oil can also thicken hair. Of course, the results obtained will not be instant. You have to regularly apply the olive oil for hair care.

Another way to moisturize and thicken the hair can also make a hair mask made from olive oil and eggs. Point to make the hair look more fluffy and shiny. For long hair, you can mix lemon seed and crushed pepper, then mix the two ingredients with 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

Hope all the benefits of olive oil helps your hair problems.

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