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Hair Loss Treatment with Tamarind

Hair Loss Treatment with Tamarind

To keep healthy hair and do not fall out we should be diligent to take care of our hair properly. If we let the wrong choice of hair care products, hair loss and fall out will increase. I have experienced hair loss due to frequent problems in the vise, coloring your hair, using a shampoo and not according to your hair type. My hair loss every day approximately one hundred pieces, just imagine. That used to have thick hair is now so thin and limp. Luckily I read the book and there are traditional ways to treat hair loss. In my spare time I try to do tips and ways and the results the longer hair fertile and fall back again.

homemade tamarind mask for hair loss

A variety of natural hair loss treatments a lot of variety, one of them in the treatment of hair loss this time I use tamarind as the base material to create a mask which is useful for treating hair loss and make your hair healthy and shiny.
Some time ago I've made a natural hair care recipes with chicken egg yolk, now I will explain hair loss natural treatment with a combination of tamarind fruit, celery, aloe vera and chicken egg white

Homemade Tamarind mask for hair

How to make hair loss treatment in traditional style with tamarind fruit and others is very easy to do, it does not take long and does not drain the pouch. The materials that we need to treat hair loss, among others:
- Tamarind
- Aloe vera
- Celery leaves
- And the chicken egg white
Tamarind useful to open the pores.
Aloe vera is beneficial to nourish the hair.
Celery leaf is beneficial to strengthen the hair roots.
Egg white is useful for hair so as not to dull polish.

hair loss treatment with tamarind

How to treat hair loss is very easy, all the above ingredients mixed together. Starting from tamarind, celery in on mash until smooth, taking aloe vera sap and egg white, all materials made in one and stir until well blended and we make a hair mask once a week. Before we give the hair the traditional masks, keep it clean hair not dirty. Let all the ingredients on top of that we created masks can be absorbed by the pores of our scalp perfectly.
After the scalp and hair masks we give the cover with a shower cap or a towel and let stand for 15 minutes let soak well. After it wash your hair thoroughly.

If we are diligent wearing traditional masks once a week, about three two months the results are visible. Hair will be healthy and do not fall out again.

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