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Hot Coconut Oil for Dry Hair

Hot Coconut Oil for Dry Hair

With a diverse culture, Indonesia country has a lot of traditional recipes that usefulness is not everlasting. I still remember the old days when the women are very diligent in making rice powder to smooth the face, chewing betel leaves to strengthen teeth, and even applying coconut oil for hair to grow thick. Yes, coconut oil, which until now I still use to care for hair health.

Since ancient times coconut oil well known for its ability to restore damaged hair sheen due to frequent sun exposure, pollution, wear hair dyes, often permed or other hair products.

coconut oil for hair treatment

Tempted by the benefits of coconut oil, Jungle Products, a company in California, United States that sell processed from coconuts and even contracted a coconut plantation in the South Pacific to utilize coconut into a hair tonic. "Coconut oil has long been used by indigenous people for skin and hair care," said Emily Mattison, founder of the company.

Home making coconut oil for dry hair treatment

coconut oil for dry hair treatment

To make a simple dry hair treatment with coconut oil at home, take a few tablespoons of coconut oil and pour into a small heat-resistant bowl. Place the bowl into the simmering water for 10 minutes until the oil thinner. Once cool, apply the oil from the hair root to tip. Keep all parts of the coconut hair oil smeared. Massage the scalp with fingertips in a circular motion so that the oil and soak into the skin. Leave for an hour or it could be a night for maximum results before washed with shampoo.

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