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Hair Extensions Care and Treatment

Hair extension care and treatment - Understanding for hair extensions care and treatment can save time and cost especially in the face of many types of hair extension products and treatments on the market.
hair extensions treatment
Most people choose to do hair extensions because they are easier to take care of it. Hair extensions are a great way if you want to have long hair quickly.

Associated with hair extensions, there are a few things you should know how to attach hair extensions is not hard, and not too painful. Splicing process looks like sew long hair with new hair. This process is known as corn-row by hair stylists. Once the hair is completed connected then someone will get the desired length hair in no time.

To perform maintenance hair extensions, you need to take care of it like you treat your normal hair. But there are some things that must be done because somehow there remains a difference between hair extensions to your natural hair.
  • First, wash it every 2-3 days using shampoo, conditioner, and moisturize, including your natural hair. Hair extension will not receive a supply of natural oils such as natural hair, so you need to add moisture to the hair by using moisturize regularly. If you miss or forget to do this, the hair will become brittle and easily broken, and it is not allowed to be branched.
  • When shampooing, the head should be upright or looked up, and the finger movement should only be vertically or horizontally and not too tenuous. If using a conditioner use only the ends of your hair. So is the case with leave-in-conditioner. It is necessary for hair extensions not easily ruffled and still shiny.
  • Before go to bed suggested to braiding hair loose or tie loose (with a soft fabric headband) that hair extensions are not tangled. If you are not doing much during sleep, enough combed.
  • Combing start from the bottom up to avoid frizz. Brush the top with special comb up to 2 cm before the connection then comb the extensions with ordinary comb.
    For partial wave / full wave, keep the bearings braid always dry, to avoid irritation of the scalp.
  • hair extensions treatment
  • For hair clip, when not used, stored neatly (rolled with paper, or stored in a plastic bag per piece).
  • Remember that hair extensions can’t grow back! Unlike natural hair grow, hair extensions in addition to not getting the natural oil supplies are unlikely to grow. If you require the use of tools such as blow dryer, curling iron, etc. is too hot the hair extensions can be damaged and disturbing beauty. Hair can’t be returned to a state of health as well as your natural hair to restore the nutrients.
  • hair extensions treatment
  • Make a visit to the salon every 6-8 weeks. Hair stylist removes the damaged hair and to check the condition of hair extensions including by reviewing the shampoo and hair care products that you use. If required, the connection time will be dismantled and reassembled in accordance adjust the length of the new hair as possible when you have hair that extends 2-3 cm from the previous.
Those are the tips of hair extensions care and treatment. Hopefully beneficial for you.

1 comment:

Emma Davis said...

Nice advice & tips for hair extensions. If anyone follow after care advice for hair extensions, they would be beneficial.